According to the latest study around 33 per cent of the whole world is suffering from stress and 48 per cent of people suffering from stress have trouble sleeping. But before discussing anything about stress we have to first understand it to its basics and study the signs and symptoms of stress in detail. Many people consider stress as a feeling of sadness or tension and because of this misconception, many people who are suffering from stress don’t get the required medication and care. As far as medical science is concerned stress is more than being resentful and sad, many chemical and physical changes are being carried out in the brain which results in stress. Being sad and tense is normal for all humans, we all get sad when life doesn’t unfold in the manner in which we want but the problem arises when the feeling of sadness completely shadows our life and harms us. The data is not accurate but many people suffering from stress go unnoticed by their families which adversely affects their work. Their work efficiency in the office decreases and the activities which they enjoyed doing become useless for them. According to research if a person is suffering from stress then any other physical disease like stomach ache or fever will have even more adverse effects on his health. To understand stress completely one has to be open-minded and see everything from a scientific perspective.
The human body has a very effective mechanism against stress. Although stress is generated by outside conditions like losing your job or divorce many internal changes happen in the body which could be seen and observed and if these symptoms are observed then it will be very easy to prevent stress. The main problem in society is that these symptoms go often unnoticed and many of these symptoms accumulated and ultimately result in stress. So, if any person is suffering from any of these symptoms then he should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system and deactivates the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is also known as the “fight or flight system”. It increases the blood pressure and the heart rate of a person which makes him hyperactive. There is an increase in breathing rate and supply of blood to the whole body. There are many symptoms of stress which should never go unnoticed some of them are very easy to detect,
Lack of motivation
Withdrawal from society
Lost interest in fun activities
Disturbance in the sleep cycle
Some of the physical symptoms are,
Aches and pains.
Chest pain or a feeling like your heart is racing.
Exhaustion or trouble sleeping.
Headaches, dizziness or shaking.
High blood pressure.
Muscle tension or jaw clenching.
Stomach or digestive problems.
Trouble having sex.
Weak immune system.
If stress continues and the person doesn’t get any medication then it could lead to many emotional and mental issues also which are,
Anxiety or irritability.
Panic attacks.
For normal persons stress is beneficial for life, a life without stress is harmful to our health because the human body is designed in such a way that it can bear stress and use it to its advantage. The human brain responds to stress by various methods which are good for us. Stress increases the alertness of a person. Prolonged stress can be dangerous for our body but moderate and short-lived stress has a positive effect, like a student who is under stress for not completing his work will complete everything in one go. A small amount of stress is experienced by athletes which increases their heart rate and because of this, they can enhance their speed.
Seeing stress from a medical perspective there is a chemical imbalance of a hormone called cortisol which causes stress. Cortisol is released by adrenal glands whenever there is any stressful condition but sometimes an excess amount of cortisol is released by the adrenal glands which causes many problems. In people suffering from stress excess cortisol is released in the body o even a small life problem could result in stress and tension.
The increased amount of cortisol tightens the blood vessels which results in high blood pressure. In addition to this, the breathing rate also increases which provides the body a lot of oxygen. This often leads to shortness of breath. This elevation of blood pressure and breathing rate can lead to many problems in future.
Stress affects our body’s digestive system which adversely affects the digestion process leading to nausea and stomachache. Moreover, stress also increases the amount of HCl in the stomach which can lead to intense heartburn.
As stated earlier increase in heart rate can generate high blood pressure which can damage our arteries which could lead to internal bleeding. The study also shows that stress also increases the risk of a heart attack.
In stressful conditions, the muscles in the body especially of the hands and legs get tensed and tighten up for a prolonged period and this doesn’t allow them to relax which could lead to intense pain in muscles.
In the long run stress hormone like cortisol can decrease the efficiency of the immune system to protect us against foreign invaders this is why persons suffering from stress are more prone to catch infectious diseases like the common cold or flu.
Also, in the long run, stress causes a person to suffer from depression and which could also lead to suicide.
And to sum up, a prolonged period of stress can decrease a person's efficiency at work and could isolate him from society.
Like any other disease stress can be prevented by many methods some of which are,
Taking care of yourself by Avoiding drugs and alcohol as they can add to stress. Eating a well-balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.
Engagement in self-relaxation. Trying muscle relaxation, breathing or meditation exercises, prayer, yoga, or swimming to reduce stress. Spend time with nature or listen to quiet music.
Taking breaks when needed especially at work, taking breaks can help you re-organize and re-energize your thoughts and focus. This will help you do your work and maintain productivity.
Seeking out social support partner, family member, friend, counsellor, doctor, or clergyperson can help lighten your mental load.
Connecting with others socially spending time with loved ones and doing fun things can help ease the stress.
Maintaining a normal routine of getting up in the morning and going to bed at night each day at the same time. Eat three meals daily.
He stressed is not a big issue and it can be easily prevented by the above-mentioned methods. We should not ignore the symptoms of stress. And if we find anyone suffering from these symptoms, we should immediately go for his help. Sometimes a person suffering from stress cannot say or tell others. So, his friends and family must help him. If the stress is checked in an early stage, it can be very easily cured by many therapies and medications. Medical science is continuously researching this topic. And they are coming up with very innovative ideas and therapies to manage stress. Stress should not be ignored because, in the long term, it is very destructive for life.
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